Stainless steel cookware

Nonstick vs. Stainless Steel Cookware: Pros and Cons

When it comes to cookware, the material is as critical as the recipe. The right choice can enhance flavors and simplify kitchen tasks, while the wrong choice can lead to stressful cooking and ruined dishes. Two of the most popular materials in modern kitchens are nonstick and stainless steel. We'll now explore the pros and cons of each material to help you make an informed decision based on your cooking needs and preferences.

Nonstick Cookware


  1. Ease of Use: Nonstick pans are user-friendly, especially for beginners. The slick coating ensures that food releases easily from the surface, which makes cooking delicate items like eggs and pancakes a breeze.
  2. Less Oil Needed: Nonstick pans are engineered with a surface requiring minimal oil or butter for cooking. This is especially beneficial for those aiming for a low-fat diet or simply wishing to cook healthier meals. The reduced need for added fats supports wellness goals and preserves the natural flavors of the food, making it possible to enjoy well-cooked and healthier meals.
  3. Easy to Clean: The nonstick surface prevents food from bonding to the pan, meaning that most residue can be effortlessly wiped off with a soft sponge and some mild detergent. This ease of cleaning not only saves time and effort in the kitchen but also extends the lifespan of the cookware.
  4. Lightweight: Nonstick cookware is lighter than stainless steel or cast iron options. This lighter weight makes it easier to handle when stirring or tossing ingredients.


  1. Durability: Nonstick coatings are popular for their ease of use and cleanup. The longevity of the nonstick surface is compromised when metal utensils are used on it, or cleaning is done with rough sponges and brushes. These coatings are also vulnerable to chipping and peeling, which also reduces the lifespan of the cookware. It is recommended to use wooden or silicone utensils and avoid abrasive cleaning materials.
  2. Heat Sensitivity: Nonstick pans are designed for convenience, but have limitations with heat exposure. When exposed to high heat, the nonstick coating can break down, leading to the deterioration of the cookware's surface and the potential release of harmful chemicals into the air. Using these pans at medium or low heat settings is advised to prevent damage and preserve the coating.
  3. Less Versatile in Cooking Techniques: The design of nonstick cookware is beneficial for low-fat cooking and prevents food from sticking. However, it is not so versatile in culinary techniques. For example, it is unsuitable for searing meats, requiring high temperatures to develop a well-browned crust. Techniques that require transitioning from stovetop to oven can be problematic if the nonstick cookware is not oven-safe. 

Stainless Steel Cookware


  1. Durability: Stainless steel is renowned for its durability, making it a favored material in cookware construction. They are highly resistant to damage such as dents, scratches, and rust. This resilience ensures that your cookware remains in excellent condition over years of use, preserving both its functionality and aesthetic appeal.
  2. High Heat Tolerance: Stainless steel cookware can handle extremely high temperatures, surpassing the capabilities of nonstick alternatives. This makes stainless steel an ideal choice for cooking techniques that require high heat, such as searing and browning.
  3. Versatility: Stainless steel cookware is suitable for various cooking methods, such as frying, sautéing, boiling, or stewing. This adaptability makes it a staple in both professional kitchens and home settings, as it can be used to prepare a vast array of dishes. 
  4. Non-Reactive: Stainless steel's non-reactive nature is an advantage in cooking. Unlike other metals that react with acidic or alkaline foods, stainless steel remains chemically stable, which prevents metallic tastes from being imparted to the food. This quality is important when cooking dishes that include ingredients like tomatoes, vinegar, or lemon juice, ensuring that the flavors of your meals remain pure and uncontaminated by any external metallic influences.


  1. Stickiness: Stainless steel cookware lacks the nonstick properties of some other pans. This absence can lead to food sticking to the surface, making the cookware more challenging to clean after cooking.
  2. Requires More Fat: When using stainless steel cookware, it is necessary to use additional fats such as oil or butter to create a temporary nonstick surface. This is due to the natural tendency of stainless steel to allow food to stick, affecting both the cooking process and the flavor of the food. It also allows for easier turning and removing the food from the pan.
  3. Weight: Cookware made from stainless steel tends to be heavier compared to those constructed with materials like aluminum or nonstick composites. This increased weight can make the cookware difficult to handle, especially for flipping or moving the pan off the stove.
  4. Heat Distribution: A common limitation of some stainless steel cookware is its inability to distribute heat evenly across the cooking surface unless it incorporates a bonded base that includes metals like aluminum or copper. Without these additional metals in the base, stainless steel pans can produce hot spots, leading to unevenly cooked food and potentially affecting the outcome and taste of dishes.

Making the Right Choice

Consider Your Cooking Style

  • If you're into low-fat cooking or preparing delicate foods like fish or eggs, nonstick may be the way to go.
  • If you enjoy techniques like searing or deglazing, or if you're a fan of culinary experiments that involve high heat, stainless steel is your best bet.

Think About Maintenance

  • Nonstick pans require careful handling and special utensils to maintain their surface.
  • Stainless steel is more forgiving with maintenance. It can handle metal utensils and is generally dishwasher safe.

Reflect on Longevity

  • Nonstick cookware will need replacing every few years, depending on usage.
  • Stainless steel can be a one-time investment with the right care.

Take Your Cooking to the Next Level

Both nonstick and stainless steel cookware have their places in the kitchen. At De'Velo Kitchenware, we recommend assessing your cooking style, maintenance preferences, and cooking needs before making a decision. Whether you choose the forgiving nature of nonstick or the rugged endurance of stainless steel, we have an array of high-quality options to enhance your culinary experiences. Explore our range of nonstick and stainless steel cookware and take your cooking to the next level with De'Velo Kitchenware!